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Monday, 5 April 2010

Parents should learn to be friendlier to their children.

Topic: “Parents should learn to be friendlier to their children.” Discuss.

1. Briefly describe what children like their parents to be.
2. Describe the advantages of being friendly parents.
- Their children will turn to them for advice and guidance.
- Their children will learn to obey their orders voluntarily.
3. Describe why parents, despite being friendly, should maintain discipline.
- This will ensure that children do not lose their respect for their parents.
- Some form of discipline is necessary so that the child will not learn to hate discipline of any kind.
4. Briefly conclude that parents should be persons whom their children can confide in, trust and discuss personal matters with.

Many children in Singapore cite Mr. and Mrs. Cosby of the Cosby Show, as the ideal parents. This is because these two appear to treat all their children in a friendly and just manner.

In my view, parents must be more than mere disciplinarians. They must also be their children’s good friends. This is because the parents are the first adults that their children come into contact with. Hence, it is important that the children turn to them for advice and guidance. Most children will only do so if they find their parents approachable.

With friendly and understanding parents, children need not be threatened to make them obey orders. In fact, friendly parents can, through healthy family discussions, achieve a mutual understanding with their children. Therefore, children in turn will try not to displease or upset their parents. However, if the parents are austere, the children in turn will fear their parents and keep their distance. In times of crisis, they will turn to their young friends, who are just as inexperienced as they themselves are, for advice. In some cases, children’s fear of their parents may turn into resentment. This may make the children rebellious.

On the other hand, parents must not compromise on discipline. If they do so, children will lose their respect for their parents. They may also grow up thinking that any kind of discipline is intolerable. For instance, children who are not well disciplined may be rude and quibble with their parents as they would with their young friends. Moreover, they would not look up to their parents as their role models. Instead, they may see them as their equals. This would make it difficult for their parents to guide them.
In conclusion, parents should be friendly with their children, but they must be firm as well. Each parent should try to play the multiple roles of disciplinarian, guide and friend to the best of his or her ability.

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