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Thursday, 15 April 2010

Describe your duties at home.

Topic: Describe your duties at home.

1. Describe how your mother drew up a duty roster to avoid arguments.
2. Describe in detail the different duties you have to take turns to do – cleaning the rooms washing the bathroom, taking the dog for a walk.
3. Describe how you feel about doing your share of the duties.

When I was much younger, my eldest brother - Phuc and I could never agree as to whose turn it was to clean up our room. Both of us would to do anything about it unless our mother angrily reminded us.

Finally, our mother came up with her brilliant idea of a roster. Each person in the family, except Father, would have to do his or her duties each day. Failure to perform these duties would mean confinement to the bedroom; that is, no outings with friends, no television and no dessert.

Making my bed each morning took a long time to get used to. Cleaning our bedroom twice a week is now a must with Phuc and me taking turns to do it each time. All the dirty clothes are placed in the laundry basket for washing instead of being strewn all over the room the way they used to be. I must agree that it is more pleasant to live in a tidy room. At least now I can see the color of the carpet in the room.

Every other week, I wash our bathroom. At first, I found it a disgusting chore and I never seemed to do it properly. However, after some practice, I got the hang of it. Cleaning the dining and living rooms has become mandatory. Now, I have actually become a skilful vacuum cleaner operator. My duties have extended to cooking one a week ever since I discovered my talent in that area. My experiments with different dishes have been quite successful so far but not so my effort at washing dishes. After the amazing number of dishes I have broken, my mother has decided to take over that duty herself.

Last but not least, Phuc and I have to alternate between taking Rex for a walk. When we come back, we have to ensure that the door is securely bolted. All of us have got used to the routine. Our household chores do not seem to be so difficult now that all of us are pitching in to help out.

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