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Sunday, 11 April 2010

What is the exam fever all about?

What is the exam fever all about?

1. Explain what exam fever is.
2. Describe how teachers and parents too are affected during the exam period.
3. Describe how students give up going out and stay at home to study.
4. Describe how students lose their appetite and look tired before the exams.
5. Describe how students think of enjoying their holidays in the midst of the exams.

Year after year, we are geared up for exams. Usually, daily lessons focus on topics which are to be tested in the exams. The importance of results is emphasized, and a good performance in exams is rewarded not only by the school, but also by the parents. So much energy and effort are directed towards exams that the term “exam fever” is used to describe the mood when exams are around the corner.

Exam fever gets worse as the exams approach. Even teachers and parents are caught up in the exam fever. Teachers have to set papers and worry about whether they have taught their students well. The school office is out of bounds to students as teachers type and print the exam questions. Parents start buying all kinds of guide books for their children. Some also sit up with them as they study. Students, of course, are the worst hit. All extra-curricular activities and outings are terminated. Every day is occupied in mugging up subjects for the dreaded exams. They listen carefully to their teachers, hoping to catch some tips about the exam questions. As subjects are revised, they hope to make sense of topics they have never understood so far.

At home, coffee is brewed all night long. Many students struggle through those lonely nights, trying to cram in facts in one night, which were supposed to have been learned throughout the year. As the exams draw even closer, some students suffer from a loss of appetite. They go around with glazed eyes and dark rings under their eyes. Pimples also start breaking out on the faces of these pressurized youths.

During this time, students also try to release their tension by dreaming about what they would do during the holidays. Absurd plans are made in their minds which are, of course, seldom carried out. However, it is these dreams that see them through this period of extreme stress, and help them to face their exams with greater courage and calmness.

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