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Wednesday, 14 April 2010

Describe a period when you were hospitalized.

Topic: Describe a period when you were hospitalized.

1. Describe how you broke your leg and had to be hospitalized.
2. Describe the ward, the food, the smell of disinfectants and medicines, the patients.
3. Describe how miserable you felt in hospital.
4. Describe how you felt when you were discharged.

I was out cycling one day when I fell off my bicycle and landed in a big drain. I was in excruciating pain and had to be sent to hospital in an ambulance.

My left leg was broken and it had to be placed in a cast and supported in a certain position. The doctor informed me that I would have to be in hospital for about two weeks. After that, I would have to use a wheelchair for about eight weeks until the bones had healed and would be able to support my weight.

The stay in hospital was terrible. I must admit that I was not a pleasant patient at all. Complaining about the food, the strong smell of disinfectant and the other noisy patients, I made life miserable for the nurses as well as for myself. I was placed in the children’s ward because of a shortage of space. The ward was a massive hall, fitted with countless beds placed close together. There were children sporting bandages, oxygen masks and tubes. Everyone looked as unhappy as I was.

This period in hospital was a nightmare for me. I felt like a piece of furniture in the ward, not being able to move about much. The nights were the most as I could hardly sleep. There was always some commotion in the ward.

My parents, friends and relatives visited me almost every day. They tried to cheer me up but I was feeling too sorry for myself to pay any heed to them. The day I was discharged from hospital was a day of great rejoicing. I actually felt as if I was being released from prison.

I spent the following eight weeks at home, confined to a wheelchair. Fortunately, with the television, video tapes, books and good food provided by my mother, I was reasonably occupied. Anything was much better than staying in hospital, as even when I did feel bored and sorry for myself, I did not complain.

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